
The Best Rando of 2016

Here are all of my favorite things of 2016 that don't have a place anywhere else.  Bacon is delicious.

Kreator - Gods of Violence

My in depth review.

Bell Biv DeVoe - Three Stripes =

Bell Biv DeVoe, BBD, ABC, 123, I like cheese are back with their first album since 2001's BBD. I saw them at Yoshi's San Francisco (RIP SF location) on December 2010 with a live band. It was like I was transported back in time. They did all of their signature dance moves and had a very entertaining live show. Also, Poison, the song that everyone wanted to hear, sounded awesome with the opening snare drum fill played by an actual drummer.

Best of the Bay Area

In this post I'd like to briefly highlight the best albums from bay area bands.  I'm not going to rank them this time, and I'm going to skip Fallujah and Cyborg Octopus since I covered them in my Best 16 albums of 2016 list.  I'm also going to be skipping some of the obvious ones like Death Angel, Testament, Autopsy, Neurosis, and some small band that rhymes with ShmeShmallica (I don't want to get sued by some guy that rhymes with Shmars Shmulrich). Without further ado, here they are in no particular order.


Best Live Albums of 2016

The list of live albums I've listened to is extremely short, it's only fair my best of list is short as well.  Here are my top 5 live albums of the year.

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