
I love beer.  It tastes good and makes my face feel nice.  That's me there drinking Pliny the Younger (2013 edition), which I waited 7+ hours to taste.  It was worth the wait.  The smoothest and most well balanced Triple IPA I have ever had.  Since then I've been back for the 2014 edition and although it was tasty, it was not as good as the year before.  I love beer.


I bang drums and slappa da bass.  I'm hooked on music and can never get enough of new music.  Going to concerts is one of my favorite activities of all time (they usually have beer there!).  In 2016 I accomplished such goals as 7 concerts in 7 days and 2 concerts in 1 night.

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These are my pups Chubbs and Leela (from left to right).  He's a pit bull (mix) from the Peninsula Humane Society and SPCA, and she's a pit bull (mix) from the Martinez Animal Shelter. We've fallen in love with this misunderstood breed ever since we first adopted Leela.  They are the sweetest and cuddliest dogs I've ever known. 

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I ran my first marathon in Las Vegas on December 2, 2007.  Since then, I pledged to run a marathon in every U.S. state.  I am currently up to 20 states and will be running my 21st very soon.  Wish me luck!!

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